Largest non-profit hospital system in USA
$23B revenue from 151 hospitals across 22 states
Leading Health Services Company: Payer-PBM
$154B in revenue
#1 Managed Care company in USA
$111B in revenue, 23M covered lives across 50 states
Top-tier integrated health delivery network
$5B in revenue from 15 hospitals with primary care & specialty networks, covering 5.4M lives
Top 5 healthcare system in USA
$5.5B in revenue from 45 hospitals, World-class virtual care infrastructure
24 hospitals & over 300 physician offices
$7.9B in revenue across 4 states
Most selective medical school in the USA
Top 5 academic-research medical school
Top 50 med school for primary care
Leading research center in cancer, heart/lung disease, & infectious diseases
Largest health insurer in Michigan
$31B in revenue, serving 6.1 million people in total, with the largest network of doctors and hospitals in MI.
Non-profit hospital system in Illinois
$2.4B Revenue across 97 locations, including 13 hospitals--employing 653 primary care providers and 288 specialty care providers
Iowa-based hospital system
$5B in revenue across 3 states, and 14 metropolitan areas
A holding company offering life and health solutions through its seven insurance company subsidiaries with $2.4 billion in assets.
Veterans Affairs
Significant innovation center in St. Louis
Regional hospital system in central Illinois
Revenues near $1B
Southern Illinois Healthcare
3-hospital system serving mostly rural communities
Informatics & health care research
Houses the INPCR, which represents over 100 separate health care entities data, combined to be over 10 billion clinical observations, 951 million encounter records, and over 147 mineable text reports
Global reinsurance company
$14.3B in revenue & $3.1 trillion in life reinsurance
Hospital LPs generate annual revenue of $88B
More than $800M in capital under management