Health Innovation Community

GlobalSTL recruits top global healthcare innovation to our region. In addition to running an annual GlobalSTL Health Innovation Summit, GlobalSTL convenes our region’s healthcare organizations to collaborate on innovation sourcing and healthcare transformation as a single community that we call G-CHIL (GlobalSTL Community of Health Innovation Leaders). Our goal is to help each of our members to become better, as a community, at converting outside innovation to value. This community is comprised of 200+ innovation/transformational, operational leaders and researchers across 25 healthcare organizations whose combined revenues are over $1 Trillion (~25% of US healthcare spending).

Member Organizations

A Midwest Buying Power Magnet

G-CHIL was started in 2018 after the second annual GlobalSTL Health Innovation Summit. As we were leveraging the massive buying power of St. Louis-based healthcare organizations to attract top international digital health innovation to our region, we decided to open the platform to healthcare orgs in neighboring Midwest regions. G-CHIL now represents healthcare organizations across 5 Midwestern states.

Some of the largest healthcare orgs in the country are members of G-CHIL. Additionally, it is representative of the overall US healthcare delivery ecosystem - with large and small health systems, payers, Medicare Advantage plans, ACOs, state Medicaid plans, PBMs, and clinical research organizations. 

Webinar Series: Future of Healthcare, Post-Covid

GlobalSTL is inviting regional and national speakers who were on the frontlines of healthcare during Covid and speakers who are building the post-Covid healthcare system. This webinar series aims to be a discussion with a broad cross-section of leaders from incumbent healthcare players, innovators (business model, tech, financing, policy), government/policy, foundations, etc. The purpose is to move our region forward, through improving the health of our citizens and the public health and healthcare systems that care of our citizens. We hope to aid in achieving this by learning from leaders who are shaping the post-Covid healthcare system (public health, clinical care, SDoH).

Photo of Becky Buchen & Abby Lotz

Becky Buchen & Abby Lotz

Becky - SVP Innovation Ops & Abby - VP of Digital Care & CNO of Digital Health at OSF HealthCare

March 3, 2021 - Covid-Catalyzed Innovations Creating a Permanent Shift at OSF HealthCare

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Photo of Anne Weiss & Bob Hughes

Anne Weiss & Bob Hughes

Anne - Managing Director at the RWJF & Bob - CEO of MFFH

February 18, 2021 - The Future of Public Health and Healthcare, The role of Financing, Culture, Innovation and Collaboration as Drivers of Change

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Photo of Dr. Lisa Simpson

Dr. Lisa Simpson

CEO, AcademyHealth

December 17, 2020 - Re-designing for a High-Value, Affordable & Equitable Healthcare System in the Time of COVID

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Photo of Atul Butte

Atul Butte

Chief Data Scientist, University of California Health System

November 10, 2020 - Hospitals Transitioning from Sick Care to Accountable Health Creators

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Photo of Krischa Winright

Krischa Winright

EVP, Senior Health Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan

September 24, 2020 - Medicare Advantage Plan – Lessons from the Field Informing an Innovative, Post-COVID era – Case Study

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Photo of Kurt Waltenbaugh

Kurt Waltenbaugh

CEO, Carrot Health

Aug 20, 2020 - Using Social Determinants of Health to Manage Risk & Improve Health Outcomes

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Photo of Dr. Alex Garza

Dr. Alex Garza

CMO, SSM Health & St. Louis Region Pandemic Taskforce Incident Commander

July 16, 2020 - Lessons about our region’s experience with Covid. Perspectives on how we manage the health of our community going forward

Advisory Board

Gaurov Dayal, MD

President & COO - Everside Health

Philip Payne, PhD

Founding Director of the Institute for Informatics (I2) - Washington University in St. Louis

Krischa Winright

EVP, Senior Health Services - Blue Cross Blue Shield Michigan


Vijay Chauhan

GlobalSTL Lead

Scott Huston photo

Scott Huston

Healthcare Business Development Director, GlobalSTL

Mike Higgins photo

Mike Higgins

Vice President, Development